To Be Eligible for This Program, You Must:
Have at least two years of experience in running a business acquired during the five years preceding the date you submitted your application. This should be in a lawful and profitable business that you manage alone or with an accompanying spouse or common-law spouse, controlling at least 25% of the capital equity;
Have experience in running a business. This is defined as the actual and full-time assuming of the responsibilities and duties related to the planning, management and control of material, financial and human resources, or specialization process attested to by a diploma; and
Control at last 25% of the capital equity
Assessment of the Application Will Take Into Account Other Factors Such As:
The applicant’s age and the age of their spouse;
The nature and duration of applicant’s training; and
The applicant’s language skills
If you qualify for an Entrepreneurial Program, you and your immediate family can obtain Canadian Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visas under the Federal Program. This is for applicants intending to reside anywhere in Canada, except for Quebec.